New Beginnings

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New Beginnings

Into The Wild Therapy
Published by Karen Ann Bell in mental health natue · 1 March 2023
Tags: spring;nature;catkins;newgrowth
Today is the 1st of march and you can really feel spring arriving here in Rogart. The snowdrops are out, the catkins on the hazel trees are looking beautiful, gorse is beginning to flower and the fluffy white willow buds are not far from springing into leaf bringing the first flush of green to the trees. A perfect day for not just taking a walk in nature but really slowing down and noticing the details.

I like to walk slowly through the woods taking everything in, smelling the smells,experiencing the sounds and breathing it all in, always taking a little time to sit and connect and probably most importantly feel and experience, that connection.

It can be so healing for the soul and this connection to something so much bigger than ourselves has the potential to ease our pain, invigorate us and fill our souls full of joy and at the very least it cam bring a quiet moment of refuge in the midst of a storm giving us just enough strength to keep battling on.

Being aware of our sense of being as nature moves through her cycle is another practice I aim to embody - as i plant the first seeds for my garden what seeds do I want to plant within myself for the future, which parts of me are pushing through and growing despite the sometimes harsh conditions, what things am I greatful for as i sit on this beautiful spring day knowing snow might be on it's way next week.

Life is very much like the cycles of nature, sometimes harsh while other times we can bask in the halcyon days, one thing is for sure, it is always changing and storms or sunshine for that matter wont last forever. Wishing you all a beautiful spring.

Karen x

Everything in nature invites us constantly to be what we are. —Gretel Ehrlich
152 Little Rogart
Rogart, Sutherland
+44 (0) 7849 837835
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