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Into The Wild Therapy
Published by Karen Ann Bell in mental health natue · 14 April 2023
I've spent the past couple of weeks getting things ready in the garden.
I use permaculture principles which helps maintain soil integrity, keeping useful soil organisms intact such as mycorrhizal fungi and retaining moisture. My relationship with the land is important to me so I don't use any chemicals or pesticides and try to work in relationship to nature as much as possible. One of my main jobs has been mulching my veg beds using cardboard and homemade compost to suppress any weeds and feed the soil for the growth that will come, it is such an important job as preparing the ground will ensure healthy and bountiful plants.
Compost is when plant matter or manure breaks down creating a rich fertiliser. It enriches the course sandy soil we have here in Rogart. My compost comes from a mixture of  manure, grass cuttings and old dead plant matter, it really is part of the cycle life here.
When we clear away the old releasing ourselves from old behavioural patterns and cutting back that which no longer serves us we create valuable composting material that when brought to our awareness can feed our future endeavours with the wisdom we have gained from those experiences. I think it is often in the worste experiences- lifes manure if you like - that we gain the richest wisdom. Our egos are broken down like the old dead plant matter of winter and in this breaking down a new, rich fertile  substance is formed full of goodness and potential for new growth.
Taking time to prepare the ground of our life is an important practice as without doing this we are without aim or direction, without nurture the things we would like to grow will not grow in a healthy way, the substrate of our lives will be without sustenance.
By accepting ourselves and allowing the ego to deisintegrate while embodying Carl Roger's core conditions of empathy, congruence and unconditional positive regard we can create the right conditions of growth thereby reaching our true potential.
Karen x

Everything in nature invites us constantly to be what we are. —Gretel Ehrlich
152 Little Rogart
Rogart, Sutherland
+44 (0) 7849 837835
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