Lughnasadh blessings

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Lughnasadh blessings

Into The Wild Therapy
Published by Karen Ann Bell in mental health natue · 1 August 2023
Lughnasadh blessings
Today, the 1st of August, is the cross quarter day of lughnasadh, also known as lammas, it is opposite imbolc in the celtic wheel of the year and signifies the beginning of the autumn harvest and the waning of summer. Lughnasadh is named in honour of the celtic god lugh, the celtic sun god, a god of the tutha de dannan, he ruled over arts, craftsmanship, blacksmiths, truth and kingship and warriors.
In folk customs the 1st of august would see the gatherings of the first grains which would be ground and baked into a special lammas loaf (lammas translates as loaf mass). Corn dollys were made with the first corn to house the spirit of the fields and keep it safe untill the next growing season when they would be returned to the field.
Within ourselves I see this as a time of beginning the inward turn towards autumn and winter and the beginnings of harvesting our inner efforts, giving thanks for all that we are greatful for in our lives and honouring the creative force as it begins its inward spiral, tending it till the new season of growth is upon us.
Today I am soaking up the warm sun, enjoying the warmth while we still have it, harvesting fruits and preparing them as sweet treats for this evening and as an offering to the land, tonight I will give thanks and honour the land. The full moon tonight will give extra illumination on this special time of year and as the nights grow longer i am able once again to see the night sky here in the far north . I will rest in the coming weeks, making the most of the last of summer and readying myself for the busy autumn period to come. We reap what we sew and this is the time to begin reflecting on any intemtions set at the beginning of spring and reflecting on lessons gained during the previous few months. Harvest time lasts from lughnassa, through the autumn exquinox with the final harvest being at samhain.  Wishing you all a fruitful harvest
Karen x

Everything in nature invites us constantly to be what we are. —Gretel Ehrlich
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