Summer Solstice

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Summer Solstice

Into The Wild Therapy
Published in mental health natue · 21 June 2023
Today is the summer solstice, the peak of summer when the suns influence is at its strongest, a time of culmination and illumination.
As the earth tilts we reach the closest point to the sun, all that has been frantically growing is beginning to reach its height, the nature around us is lush and full.
The past few weeks here in Rogart have brought sunshine, toasting out bodies brown, but, as we come into the solstice thunder clears the air and much needed rains have come, feeding the parched earth at this time of nurture as plants reach full flower ready to set their fruits for the autumn harvest. This is a time to nurture ourselves (and the earth), cleansing ourselves in the summer rain and feeding our souls with what is needed to bring forth the fruits of our labour. The sun illuminates all that we need to see within ourselves to grow into our true potential, which can be a difficult process, but one that bears the best and sweetest fruits. Nurture your being in the height of the suns rays allowing the lessons of illumination to seep into your soul, ready to cast off old beliefs and habits and bring sweet new fruits as we move into the next phase of the year  - solstice blessings x

Everything in nature invites us constantly to be what we are. —Gretel Ehrlich
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